Speech Disorders Can Be Treated by Aligning the Teeth
Braces aid in proper teeth alignment and improve speech function. These aligners progressively shift your teeth into a more desirable position. A frequent visit to your orthodontist can help keep your gums and teeth healthy. These aligners have clear edges that do not hurt your gums or cheeks, resulting in minimal discomfort when used. A misplaced tooth is damaging for more than just your self-esteem. Therapists for Children's Speech Therapy San Francisco treat the jaw and teeth by closing big gaps in teeth, ensuring that the tooth tips remain aligned, correcting crooked teeth, enhancing speech and pronunciations, eating habits, extending the life of teeth, maintaining long-term gum health, and treating improper bite. Braces may help you achieve a more natural-looking smile by properly aligning your teeth. You are completely deserving of a grin. When paired with braces, it can help you enhance your bite and speech. When a tooth begins to shift back into its normal place, you can h...